Thank you to our Generous Relief Fund Donors
The Saints, Volunteers for the Performing Arts
Steve Miller, Victory Gardens Theater Board President
Marcelle McVay and Dennis Zacek
The Michael Merritt Awards
The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Season of Concern
Valerie Chase
Hope and Jeffrey Sheffield
Jonathan Abarbanel, in honor of The Chicago Theatre Family
John Achor
Diane Adamski
The Jim and Deb Ader Charitable Foundation
Max Affrunti, in memory of Harvey Rubin
David Alex, in honor of Chicago artists
Richard and Andrea Amend
Paul Angelino, in honor of Raymond J Nicholas
Fred Anzevino
Aaron Aptaker, in honor of Betty Aptaker
Erin Archer
Carolyn Aronson
Neil and Evelyn Aronson
Anthony Avina
Lynne Baker, in honor of every actor in Chicago
Peter and Laren Bakker-Arkema, in memory of Harvey Rubin
Mary Baim, in honor of Sheldon Patinkin
Baldacci/Cuhna/Kasmer Family Foundation
Neal Ball
Jim Ballowe
Linda Barder
Andrea Barron
Tiffany Bedwell
Larry Bellezzo
Minu Benawra, in honor of Charmaine Spenser who made wonderful face masks
Katherine Bendix
Phoebe Benich, in honor of Lina Benich
Lauren Benish
Nova Benway, in honor of Tiana Benway
Tiana Benway, in honor of Marie O’Connor
Cheryl Berger, in honor of the Saints
Charles Berglund
Shirley Berling
Diane and Karl Berolzheimer, in memory of Harvey Rubin
Jonathan Berry
Oleg Bierman
Rena Bitter, in honor of Criss Henderson in memory of his mother Dona
Carol Ann Black
Erik Blanc
Pamela Block
Joan Blume, in honor of the Chicago Theatre Arts Community
D Bock
Annie Bolger, in honor of the Love of Theatre
Tamiara Bowles, in honor of Karen German
Sandy Boves
Betty and William Boyd
Sandra Boyd-Jansen
Will Brackenbury
Jason Brett, in honor of Winnie Gailen
Norman and Kathy Bridge
David Brimm, in honor of Jeremy and Rory Shivers Brimm
Broadway In Chicago
David Brown, in honor of Seth Arkin
Anne Brook
Wesley Broquard, in honor of Illinois
Michael Broscio
Jeff Brown
Lauren Brown
Theresa Brunsman
Bonita Bryant
Roberta Buchanan
Bob Bullen
Madeline Bunke
Robert and Shirley Burkhart
Tim Burroughs and Barbara Smith
Toni Burt
Loreen Bush, in honor of Maggie Specht
Marie Bush
Kelly Butler
Kathleen Byrne, in honor of The Jeff Awards
Cathy and Michael Cahill
Maggie and Barry Cain, in honor of Maryanne Kelly
Maggie Cain
Elizabeth Caldwell
Jeffrey Callison
Rebecca Cameron
Edward Campbell
Aaron Cannon
Michael Caramagno
Christopher Carrington
Valerie and James Carroll
Bill and Mary Carstedt
Joanne Cascone
Patricia Cawley
Carrie Cervenka, in honor of Mark Thomas Wohlgenant
Rowland Chang, in memory of Harvey Rubin
Mary Ellen Channon
Thomas Charles Stec in memory of James Farrell
Cynthia Cheski
Rosie Chevalier, in honor of Craig Taylor
Mary Christianson
Susan Cichock, in honor of Eugene Cichock
Bernard Citron, in honor of Harvey and Aviva Rubin
Deb Clapp
Jim Clark
Patrick and Barbara Clear
Jeannine Cleary
Sheila Cleworth, in honor of Mark Wohlgenant
Joanne Cloonan
Thompson Coburn LLP, in memory of Harvey Rubin
Aurelia and Benjamin Cohen
Mardge Cohen, in memory of Harvey Rubin
Marlene Cohen
Eliot Colin
Megan Collins-Moore
Catherine Connelly, in honor of Mark and Anne Connelly’s birthdays
Jill Constantine
Charlie Cooper, in honor of Leann Ott
Scott Cowan
Catherine Crino
Linda Crowder
John Culbert
Teresa Cunningham
Kevin Daly
Shanesia Davis, in honor of fellow artists and theatre supporter Alvin Goldfarb
Kingsley Day, in honor of Mary Jo Deysach
Kathy de la Cruz
Carole Deeter
Angelica del Mar
Annette DeLorenzo, in honor of Tori Whaples
Dana DesJardins
Mary Lynn Dicker
Lee Dickson
Annie DiMaria
Layne Dinnell
Sean Dolan
Renee Dolezal
Alexander R. Domanskis, in honor of Mark Wohlgenant
Perry Doubt
John Drewes, in honor of James Simon and Andra Velis Simon
Joseph and Sara Drummond
Brittany Duncan
Tom Duncan
Debbie Dunleavy
Tex and Brigid Dutile
Jane Dyonzak
Ralph Eads
Carol Edelson
Bob Eder
Marilyn Eisenberg
Audrey Eisenmann
Bruce Elder, in honor of Wilma Tunick
Jake Elkins
Helen Elkiss
Mark Enslin, in memory of Harvey Rubin
Mariwyn Evans, in honor of Howard Bimson
Timothy Evans, in honor of Martha Lavey
Stephanie Faint
Elizabeth Fashingbauer, in honor of Bob Fashingbauer Sr.
Kenneth Faust
Susan Feibus
Doreen Feitelberg
Carolyn Feller
Matt Fetbrandt
Brenda Field, in honor of Brenda Didier and the Lincolnshire Academy of Dance
Michael Fischer
Joan Fisch, in honor of Fisch/Toben Family
Kelly Fitzgerald
Tom Fitzgerald, in honor of Mark Wohlgenant
Corinne Florentino
Michelle Flores
Delphine Fontagneres
Alan Forsyth
Laura Fraczek
Elliott Fredland
Marc Freed
Judith Freeman
Barbara French
Laura Friedlander
Dawn and Mark Friedman
Evalena Friedman
Marc Frost
Lloyd A. Fry Foundation
Tom and Kay Fry, in honor of Mark Wohlgenant
Willard A. Fry, M.D.
Glenn Gabanski
Bernice Gallagher, in honor of Rick Malette and Kirsten Fitzgerald
Edward and Bryna Gamson
Pamela Ganschow, in memory of Harvey Rubin
Joann Gawczynski, in honor of all those in the theater community currently unemployed and all the productions of the future.
Pericles Georgopoulos
Devon Gensler
Elizabeth Gensler, in honor of Devon Gensler
Kate Gensler, in honor of Devon Gensler
James Geren
Virginia Gerst
Anita Gewurz, in honor of Jonathan Gewurz
Buffi Gibbons, in honor of Jenna Cramer Jones
Allison Gibson
Helen Gibson
Margaret Gielniewski
Aliza Gilbert, in memory of Harvey Rubin
Gregg Gilman, in honor of Steep Theatre
Sarah Gilmore
Janice Gintzler
Rukmini Girish, in honor of Box Office and Front of House Staff
Donald Glass
Ari Glassberg, in honor of Leah Jacobson
John Glover
Ethel Gofen
Deidra and Stephen Gold
Anne Goldberg
David Goldberg
Alvin Goldfarb
Ted Goldsmith
Lisa Golladay, in honor of Bill Dunbar
Andrew Gorzen, in honor of Zachary Parkhurst
Gabrielle Gottlieb
Katharine Zoe Graham, in honor of Ken Smouse
Grand Stage
Kevin Grandfield, in honor of Mark Wohlgenant
Deborah Granite, in honor of Charmaine Spencer
John Grasso
Lynne Pace Green
Susan Green, in honor of Steppenwolf Theatre
Ann Greenseth, in honor of all actors everywhere
Marieanne Griebler
Bruce Grieve
Kate Gronstal
Ann and Mike Groshek, in honor of Mark Wohlgenant
Marla Grossberg
Alex Gudding
Charles Gurian
Carole Gutter
Tiffany Hach
Susan Haimes
Em Hall
Ardath Hamann
Cindy Hamilton, in honor of Heather Schmucker
Melanie Hampton
Eileen Hardiman, in honor of Kate Hardiman
Amy Harmon
Megan Harper
Ashlee Harris
Linda Hart
David Hartt
Debra Hass
Ann Haugo, in honor of Al Goldfarb’s birthday
Steven Haupert
Chase Hauser, in honor of The Chicago Theatre Community
Robert Hauser
Danny Hawkins, in honor of Stephanie Hawkins
Jessica and John Haworth
Cindy Heath
Kevin Heckman
Julie Hecktman
William Heimann and Mary Toll Giving Fund
Linda Henderson
Katherine Henrici
Dr. Robert Henry
Todd Hensley, Schuler Shook Theatre Planners/Lighting Designers
Kristin Heskett, in honor of Mark Wohlgenant
Richard Hesler
Vicki Heyman
HHL Foundation
Douglas Hinckley, in honor of Mark Thomas Wohlgenant
Diane Hires, The Jeff Awards salutes actors and designers
Sara Hite, in memory of Mark Wohlgenant
Kevin Hlavka
Ann Hobgood
Sara Hock
Ken Hoffman
Sharlene Hoffman
David Holcombe
Natalie Holden
Melissa Hollander, in honor of Mariann Mayberry
Marilyn Hollman
Mary Honda
Martha Hudak, in honor of The Jeff Awards
James L Huffman
Jin-So Huh
Glenn Humphreys
Leslie Hyman
Sandie Iannone
Sarah Inendino, in honor of the Chicagoland Virtual Yoga Club
Alexander Infusino
Nicholas James Infusino
Mike Isaacs
Marjorie Isaacson
Frank R. Isenhart Jr., in memory of Mark Wohlgenant
Mary Jablonskis
Bennett and Judith Jacobson, in memory of Harvey and Aviva Rubin
Julieanne Jackson
Patricia Jackson
Judith Jakaitis
Amy Janik
Emily Jelsomeno
Sondra Joyce
Stacy Joyce
Kristin Juckiewicz
Daniel Justus
Marian Kaderbek
Sydne Kalet
Kate and Tim Kane, in honor of Court Theatre
Mary Karl
Bonnie H. Kays, given in honor of my amazing daughter Halena Kays
Lee Keenan
Dori Keller
Alexander Kellison
Sharon Kellogg, in honor of Hugh and Charmaine Spencer
Brenda Kickertz
Louis Klieger, in memory of Harvey Rubin
Emily Kneer
John Knight
Peter Knippel, in honor of the fine arts
Les Kniskern, in honor of William T. Gardner
Douglas and Catherine Knuth
Gil Koenigsaecker
Julie Koerner, in honor of The Jeff Awards
Judith Korol
Jacqueline Korpics, in memory of Harvey Rubin
Jenn Kovacs
Rachel Kraft and Doug Brown
Anne Krantz, in memory of Harvey Rubin
David J. Kravitz
Phyllis Kravitz
Lee Krompart, in honor of Congo Square Theater
Suzy Krueckeberg
John Kulczycki
Gary and Diane Kumpf
Frank Lackner
Tom Lally
Janice Lancaster, in honor of Mark Wohlgenant
Barbara Lanctot
James R. and Laurel M. Lannen
Marlene LaPorte
Andrew Leahy
Richard Leather, in honor of Mark Wohlgenant
Andrea LeBoy
Katie Lee, in honor of Harvey and Aviva Rubin
Ann Leeds
Natalie Leki-Albano
Meg Lemon, in honor of Mark Wohlgenant
Susan Levand, in honor of The Saints
Marnice Lewis, in honor of Marlena Scavuzzo
Daniel LHeureux
J David Liechty
David Liesse
Daisy Lindas
Collin Lindgren
Karyn Linn
David Lipschutz
Bernie Litton
Aislinn Lodwig
Jerome Loew
Janette Lohman, in memory of Harvey and Aviva Rubin
Michelle Lopez-Rios
James Lothe
Lauren Louer
Ted Lowitz
Bonnie Lucas-Slavicek, in honor of live theatre and the joy it brings!
Elizabeth Lucas, in honor of all who have given me and others such joy
Paul Lucia
Roseanne Lucianek, in honor of Linda Bieniek
Lorna Luebbers and Suzanne Baker
David Lullo
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Joshua Maker
Andrea Mancillas
Miranda and Jed Mandel
Ruth Mandel, in honor of all those whose dreams are impacted by COVID-19
Michael Margelewski-Hall
Jeffrey Marks, in honor of The Jeff Awards
Tanera Marshall
Rachel Marsiglio
Sandra Martell, in honor of Harvey Rubin
Lesley A. Martin
Thomas Marx, in memory of Harvey Rubin
James Masini, in honor of Barry Cunnane
Kirsten Matthews, in honor of Mike and Jan Blount
Heidi Mayer
Joan Mazzonelli, in honor of Charmaine Spenser
Dan McArdle
Andrea McCarthy, in honor of Valerie Kretchmer
Kelly McCarthy
Katherine McConnell, in loving memory of Mark Wohlgenant
Mary McCudden
Nancy McDaniel, in honor of everyone in Chicago Theatre affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
Andrew McDermott
Hannah and Mike McDermott
Barbara McDonald
Leah McGee, in honor of Emily Jelsomeno
Christopher McGeehan
Jeanne McGill, in honor of Linda Vaccariello
Susan McGowan
Susan and Daniel McGowan
Maureen McGrath
Sara McGuire, in honor of the greatest theatre artists in the world: Chicago
Sheila McGuire
McMullen and Kime Charitable Trust
Annaliese McSweeney
Diane Melnick
Rafaela Mendes
Matt Merkt
R.L and M.B. Mickleson
Kathryn Mikel
Mary Mikva, in honor of all actors everywhere
Virginia Miller
Tammy Miller
John Misak, in honor of the theatre people of Chicago
Laura Mishkin
John R. Mitchell
Ilyse Mohr
Elizabeth Moore
Mike Moran, in honor of those with a dream
Jim and Ellen Morley
David Morrison
Eric Morton
George Mottier, on behalf of Paczolt Insurance Alliance
Holly Mulvey
Murder Mystery Musicals
Laura Myers
Laura Nair
Roberta Nash
National Philanthropic Trust
Margaret Needham
Clifford Nelson
Network for Good
Robert Neuhaus, in honor of all the artists and technicians who feed our soul.
Elizabeth Neukirch
Nancy Nichols, in honor of Jack Carpenter
Sally Noblett
Carolyn and Ken Nopar
Janis Norris Trust
Michelle Novick
Jacqueline Nussbaum
Mitchell Oldham
Lisa Oppenheim
Clara Orban
Kimberly Osgood, in honor of Patricia Kane
Renee Osher
Donna Oswald
Ken Overmyer
Mustafa and Kathleen Ozmeral
Susan Padveen
Cherisse Pais, in honor of Philomena Pais
Rebecca Palumbo
Martha Pardee, in honor of Mark Wohlgenant
Ron PJ Parsons
Rachael Patterson, in honor of Clay Snider
Barbara Payne, in honor of Julie Ganey
Arlin Pedrick, in honor of Martin Newman
Francesca Peppiatt
John Phillip
Allison Phillips
Sharon Pines
Barbara Pinkert, in honor of Spenser Plays
Chris Plevin
Joyce Porter
Merril Prager
Prince Charitable Trusts
Jerry Proffit, in memory of Harvey Rubin
Karen Ptak
Rimma Pugachevsky
Jessica Puller
Carey Quealy
Carmen Quiles
John Raabe, in honor of Mark Wohlgenant
Ruth and Mitchell Rabin, in memory of Harvey Rabin
Kathleen Rafferty
Sharon Raglin, in honor of Mark Wohlgenant
Maricar Ramos, in honor of Christy Uchida
John Randle, in honor of The Jeff Awards
Daniel and Genevieve Ratner Foundation
Thomas Ray
DeWayne and Melaney Reed
Tiffany Reidy
Sue Reilly, in honor of Mark Wohlgenant
Daniel Reinglass, in honor of my Chicago theatre family
Deborah Render
Mary-Carol Riehs, in honor of Mark Wohlgenant
Amanda Rittenberg, in honor of Dawn Friedman
Jeanne O. Robb, in honor of Mark Wohlgenant
Ilyse Robbins
Jill Roberts
Christina Robinson, in honor of Charmaine Spencer
Leah Robinson
Deborah Rogers
Diane Rohlfs, in honor of Mark Wohlgenant
Mark Rosati, in honor of Marjie Rynearson
Sharon Rosenthal
Richard and Pamela Rosinia
Suzanne Ross
Cynthia Rotondo
Tamara Rosenzweig
Jeri and Joel Rothman
Kevin Rubenstein, in memory of Mark Wohlgenant
Ben Rubin, in memory of Harvey Rubin
Julia Rubin, in memory of Harvey Rubin
Fran Ruffalo
Joseph Rulli, in honor of Oscar Wilde
Kathleen Rundell
Michael Rush
Barbara Ryan
Alan Salzenstein
Denise Santomauro
Monique Sattler
Heidi Thompson Saunders
Jill Schacter, in honor of Mark Wohlgenant
Schawb Charitable
Randall Scheive, in honor of Athenaeum Theatre
Richard Schieler
Charles Schlaudraff
Christopher Schroeder
Linda Schmidt
Amy Schultz
Susan Schuengel
Allen Schwartz
Lisa and Steven Schwarz
Bernadyne Semmerling, in honor of Walter J. Semmerling Jr.
Richard and Paula Sette
Kyle and Diane Seymour, in honor of Julie Evans
Seymour Family Foundation Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Clifford J Shapiro and Darlene A. Vorachek
Michael Shapiro
Jack and Virginia Shapiro
Louise Sharrow
Clara Sheffer, in honor of Harvey Rubin
Jeff Sherman
Timothy Sherck
Renslow Sherer
Caitlin Sherman, in honor of Nick Sherman
Kathleen Sherman, in honor of Nick Sherman
Robert and Leslie Shook
Briana Shucart
Richard and Alma Shure
Debra Siegel
Robin Simon
Lauren Sklar
Carla Skiba
Jennifer Sloan
Norman Sloan
Laurence Sloma, in honor of Lyn Persson
Quinn Sluzenski
Lisa and Bob Sly, in honor of all Chicago area theater workers onstage and off
Laura Smalley
Gloria Smith
Kimberly Smith
Susan Smith, in honor of Lisa Sly
Mark Snyder
George and Barbara Sofianos, in memory of Mark Wohlgenant
Jason Sofianos, in honor of Mark Wohlgenant
Cheryl Sonna
Carol Southard
Special Education Teachers at Congress Park School, in honor of Mark Wohlgenant
Estelle Spector
Julie Spector
Catherine Johnson Spector and Alvin Spector
Jennifer Spencer
Adena Staben, in honor of Myrna Knepler
Lisa Stach
Matt Stagner
Pat Stankard
Wendy Stark Prey
L Walter Stearns
Marilyn Steenwyk
Carly Stein, in memory of Harvey Rubin
Ruth Stevig
Mary Stewart
Mignon Stewart
Bruce Stigers
Maureen Stoetzel, in honor of Charmaine Spencer
David Stone
Ben Stoner, in honor of Ashlynne Mizanin & Emily Young
Joanne Storm
Charles Stransky
Shelley Strasser, in honor of Chicago theatre artists
Carol Stukey
Joyce Suchsland
James Swanson
J Swidergal Family
Ducky and Vicky Swift, in honor of Ian Swift
Duffy Swift
Walter Swiston
Amy Szerlong
Sarah Tanner, in honor of Todd R. Norris
Bill Termini
Lori Theine
Barbara and Randolph F. Thomas
Seana Thomas
Rachel Tigner
TimeLine Theatre Company
Mary Toll
Jenny Topolosky Immerman
Anna Trachtman
Kyler Trautner, in honor of Zane Craigmile
Martin Treu, in honor of Gretchen Shoop
Darren Trongeau
Justin Troxell, in honor of Jon Martinez
Ann Trudnak, in honor of James Farrell
Martha Trueheart
Gianni Truzzi
Annie Tully
Bonita Turner
David Turrentine
Alston Twiss
Christy Uchida
Nancy Valangeon
Vinay Vallabh
Sarah Vanderwicken
Karen Van Meter
Natalie Van Straaten, in honor of Chicago Theatre
Sarah Vanderwicken, in honor of Kristin Larsen
Vanguard Charitable
Ken Vaughn
Raul Vazquez
Amalie Vega
Carol Veome
Robin Vitucci, in honor of ALW’s Broadcast of Phantom of the Opera
Linda Volino
Alexis Wallace
Janet and Anthony Walters
Jeremy Walton
Dawei Wang
David Warfield, in honor of Harvey and Aviva Rubin
Neil Warner
Janine Warell Charitable Fund
Tamara and David Waskin, in memory of Harvey Rabin
Shelley Wax, in honor of my love for theater!!
Candace Wayne
Barbara Weber
Elisabeth Weber
Lorrayne Weiss
Sue and Dan Weitzman, in memory of Harvey Rubin
Megan Welham, in honor of Kate Welham
Cornelia Wesley
John S. White
Lisa and Randy White
Megan White, in honor of Teslen Sadowski & Noah Record
Martha Whitehead in honor of Chris Jones
Barbara Whitney
Jason Whittle
Kate Wiersema, in honor of Cherise Johnson
Amanda Wijangco
Christopher Wilham
Emily Wilhite
Matilda Wilhoite
Hannah Willage, in honor of Marc and Deborah Willage
Ellen Willett
Michael Williams and Dorothy Tomasetti, in memory of Mark Wohlgenant
Brian Wilson
Lillian Winkworth
Edward Witkowski
Laura Wolbrink
Roseann Wolf, in honor of First Folio Theatre’s Allison Vesely
Mike Wolinsky, in memory of Harvey Rubin
Nancy Woodruff
Patricia Wozny
Tom Yocky
Jessica Young-Eleazar
Eric Youngquist
Sean Youngquist
Angel Ysaguirre
Henry Zander, in honor of Hilleri Zander
Jerrold Zar
Joseph Zefran, in honor of Mary Kay McPolin
Susan Zellner, in honor of Margaret Matteson