We thank our generous supporters whose gifts mean so much to the League of Chicago Theatres and to all of our 200 member theatres. The League’s support of programs – such as Hot Tix, ChicagoPlays.com, Cooperative Advertising, Networking Events and Professional Roundtables – are of significant importance to the future of our vibrant theater community and each gift helps to ensure that these programs will continue for years to come.
- Steve Abrams
- Roy and Diane Adamski, in memory of Karen Doyle
- Mrs. Deborah A. Ader and Mr. James F. Ader
- Mark Aistrope
- Akers Foundation
- Laurie Alfred, in memory of Karen Ann Doyle
- Mary Alltop
- Lauri Alpern
- Therese and Thomas Altergott, in memory of Karen Doyle
- John Anchor
- Robert Armstrong
- Elizabeth Auman
- Larry Baker
- Bannerville USA
- Keith Beck
- Carolin Belden
- Susan and Don Belgrad
- Craig Bennin
- Nicole and David Berger
- Dana Besmanoff
- Elliot Bibat
- Nancy Bishop
- John Blick
- Heather Boehm
- Virginia Boehme
- Hank Boland
- Anne Bolger
- Michael Bolton
- Betty and William Boyd
- Robert Bradbury
- Michael Brosccio
- Henry Browne
- Brown Paper Box Co.
- Cheryl Lynn Bruce & Kerry James Marshall
- Tessa Brueckner
- Roberta Buchanan
- Michael Burke
- Janet Burroway
- Vera and Hyman Burstyn
- Thomas Bush Jr.
- Mike Cahill, in honor of Ted Schmidt
- Allison Cain
- Paul Carapetyan
- Alyn Cardarelli
- Karen Cardarelli
- Janet Carl Smith and Mel Smith
- Michael Carrera
- Tim Carwinski
- Paulette Cary
- Kenneth Catalanotte
- Carrie Cervenka
- Sherwin Chan
- Chopin Theatre
- Heath Corson
- Chicago Cubs
- Chicago Writers Association
- Keely Chow
- John Clapp
- Diane Claussen
- James Clear
- Bob and Joan Clifford
- Elaine Cohen Rubin
- Marlene Cohen
- Kay Collier
- John Collins
- Marc Condie
- Jacob Cook
- Heath Corson
- Carol Crane
- John Culbert
- Pat Curtis
- Vicki Curtis
- John Dawson
- Randi Dawson
- George Dempsey
- Cara DeGraff, in honor of Steven and Barbara Blonz
- Kathy de la Cruz
- Lloyd Alan DeVaney
- Mary Dicker
- Amina Dickerson
- Leonora Dickson
- Victoria Dinges, in memory of Karen Doyle
- Joseph and Sara Drummond
- Sai Duduka
- DeAnna Duffy
- Deanna Dunagan
- Ilesa Duncan
- Sten Eckstrom
- Maureen Eisenberg
- Susan Elfant
- Myra Epping
- Emory Erker-Lynch
- Cody Estle
- Tim Evans
- Eric Evenskaas
- Falcon Paymasters
- Joseph and Bessie Feinberg Foundation
- Dana Felix
- Jessie Fenske
- Rachel Fink
- Mary Finneran
- Kirsten Fitzgerald
- Cynthia FitzHarris
- Brooke Flanagan
- Patrice Fletcher
- Victoria Fligel
- Kurtis Fluck
- Robert & Beth Footlik
- Bob Frasor
- Barbara French
- Glenn Gabasnki
- Barbara Gaines
- Bernice Gallagher/li>
- Christina Galvin
- Pericles Georgopolous
- James Geren
- Thomas Germuska
- Jeffrey Ginsberg
- John Glover
- Michael Goldberger
- Sharon Goldman
- Albert and Maria Goodman
- Deborah and Harold Graham/li>
- Amie Granger
- Richard and Mary Gray
- Jonathan L. Green
- Judie Green
- Lisa Green
- Dan Greenberger
- Mary Elizabeth Grimm
- Deborah and John Grobe
- Christine Grodecki
- Sam Grodzin
- Carol Groom
- Caroline Grossman
- James Gruft
- James Grusecki
- Carole Gutter
- Christine Haase
- Ashlee Harris
- Michael and Mona Heath
- Victoria Heinze
- Linda Henderson
- Robert Herling
- Richard Hesler
- Diane Hires
- Joan Hohs
- Sheldon Holzman
- Howard Houcek
- Leigh Hourihane
- Terri Hornbrook, in honor of dad
- Jennifer Hoyt
- Cynthia Hunt Rudolph
- Jacqueline Jackson
- Patricia Jackson
- Elizabeth Jacovino
- Amy Johnson
- Margo Johnson
- Stephen Johnson
- Jan Kallish
- Beth Kaskel
- Mel Katten
- Carol Keipert, in memory of Karen Doyle
- Robert Kieckhefer
- Cathy Kennedy, in honor of Hannah Kennedy
- Jennifer Kikoler
- Mary Kinnon
- Victor Kinzer
- Paulette Kirschner
- Smiljana Kisacanin
- Annette Knitter
- Peter Knippel
- Anita Kobrin
- Judith Korol
- Rachel Kraft and Douglas Brown
- Norman Kron
- Colleen Krupa, in memory of Karen Doyle
- Mary Krupka
- John Kulczycki
- Eileen LaCario
- Jeff Ladin
- Andy Leahy
- Lou Leitner, in memory of Karen Doyle
- Mary Leitner
- Robin Lestina-Cikanek
- Claire Levenberg
- Elizabeth Levy
- Frances and Michael Lewis
- Anne Linn, in honor of Carrie Conzelman
- Kate Lipuma
- Sandra Litt
- Brian Loevner
- Jerome Loew
- Janette Lohman
- James Lothe
- Paul Lucia
- Laurita Lukas
- Matthew Lunt
- Mary Mac Kinnon
- Teresa Maher
- Kathleen Maloney
- Wendy Manto
- Jennifer Marling, in celebration of Maria Sharkey
- Jeanne Martineau
- Jennifer Martinez
- Mark Mathyer
- Mary Maxwell
- Donna Mavros
- Dan McArdle
- Terrence McCoy
- Barbara McDonough
- Bridget McDonough
- Aileen McGroddy
- Janeann McKenzie
- Eva McNamara, in memory of Karen Doyle
- Danielle McMillan
- Bill Melamed and Jamey Lundblad
- Richard and Martha Melman
- Diane Melnick
- Shari Merrifield
- Sharon Michalove
- Sari Miller
- Jim and Diane Moore
- Peter and Jen Moore
- Bryan Morandi
- Sara Morgulis
- Peter Morris
- Wendy Mosier
- Janet Mullet
- Diane Myers, in memory of Karen Doyle
- Margaret Needham
- Robert Neuhaus
- Elizabeth Neukirch
- Deborah Oberschelp
- Lydia Ogolceva
- Chris Olson
- Kimberly Osgood
- Mustafa Ozmeral
- Susan Padveen
- PalMet Venture, LLC
- Helene Paris
- Ronald and Karen Payne
- Francesca Peppiatt
- Kim Perry
- Karen Petitte
- Paulette Petretti
- Nick Petros
- Sondra Pfeffer
- Tony Phillips
- Kate Piatt-Eckert
- Lisa Pildes
- John Pirog
- Joyce Porter
- Carole Prato
- Carol Prins and John Hart
- Pritzker Pucker Family Foundation
- Jeff Rappin
- Rebecca Reed
- Rhonda Reed
- Daniel Reinglass, in honor of my Chicago theatre family
- Brian Reiser
- Merle Reskin
- Linda Rhodes
- Leslie Richman
- Jeffrey and Teme Ring
- Ring Family Foundation
- Barbara Robertson
- Marcus Robinson
- Sharon Robinson
- Matt Rosin
- Clifford Rot
- Dennis Rossow
- Jordan Roulo
- Kathleen Rundell
- Carolyn Rusnak
- Myrna Salazar
- Luis Sanchez
- Ann Sanders
- Doreen Sayegh
- Nora Sayegh
- Nira Sayegh, in honor of Doreen Sayegh
- RJ Schauer
- Randall Scheive
- David Schmitz
- Karen and Frank Schneider
- Erik Schroeder
- Roche Schulfer and Mary Beth Fisher
- Michael Scobey
- Stephen Scott
- Joel Shapiro
- Elizabeth Shatto
- Kate Sheehy
- Timothy Sherck
- Patti Silverman
- In memory of Michael Silverstein from his wife and children
- Andy Simon
- Barbara Sloan
- Laurence Sloma
- Susan Smith
- Andrew and Maria Smith
- Rick Solis
- Cheryl Sonna
- Chris Springthorpe
- Sarah Stec
- Linda Stewart
- Lindy Stockton
- Donna Stone
- David Stover
- Erica Strater
- Peggy Sullivan
- Julie Taggart
- Greta Tarnowski
- Lauren Taslitz, in appreciation of Deb Clapp
- Cathy Taylor
- Katie Taylor
- William Termini
- Randall and Barbara Thomas
- Rachelle Tsachor
- Heidi Thompson Saunders
- Martin Till
- Ida Tobe
- Matt Trost, in honor of Alyse Shapiro
- Rachelle Tsachor
- Bonita Turner
- Alston Twiss
- Betsy Vandercook
- Kathy Voigt, in honor of Taylor Sherman
- Linda Volino
- Ivan Vega
- Andrea and Jerry Vigue
- Steve and Karen Walton
- Christine Warner
- Elisabeth Weber
- Alan Weiner
- Lorrayne Weiss
- Stephanie Wennmacher
- Sanford White
- Susan White
- Barbara Whitney
- Ken Wieselman
- Margaret Winsor
- Susan and Bob Wislow
- Laura Wolbrink
- Kiira Wolf, in memory of Karen Doyle
- Anne Wrider
- Dean Yannias
- Cheryl Yuen
- Nan Zabriskie Bloom
- Zacek-McVay Fund at The Chicago Community Foundation
- Emil Zbella
- Rebecca Zellar